Iris albertii

Botanical Name: Iris albertii (added by D. Kramb, 14-FEB-04)
Botanical Synonyms:
Eupogon, Tall-bearded Iris (D. Kramb, 05-SEP-04)
Common Names:
Chromosome Count:
2n=24 (D. Kramb, 05-SEP-04)
General Description:
A slender lavender to violet flowered species with stems from 12 to 30 inches tall. (D. Kramb, 05-SEP-04)
Flowers are lavender to purple-violet veined brownish-red, with whitish or pale blue beards. Stems are 12-28" tall. (D. Kramb, 14-SEP-04)
Distinguishing Features:
One of the first tall bearded irises to bloom, and often reblooms in the fall. (D. Kramb, 05-SEP-04)
Preferred Habitat:
Inhabits grassy steppes at an elevation of 1700 to 2000 meters. (D. Kramb, 05-SEP-04)
Native Range:
Kazakstan, Tien Shan and Fergana mountains (D. Kramb, 05-SEP-04)
Turkestan, Kazakhstan, Asiatic Russia (D. Kramb, 14-SEP-04)
Status in the Wild:
Commercial Availability:
Sources Cited:
Information entered on 05-SEP-2004 is taken from the fall 1998 SIGNA bulletin #61, page 3147. (D. Kramb, 05-SEP-04)
Info entered on 14-SEP-04 comes from the SIGNA Checklist of Iris Species. (D. Kramb, 14-SEP-04)
Additional Comments: