Species Iris Group of North America

What's An Iris? What's SIGNA? Seed Exchange
Publications* Species Database Spec-X IOTM

57th Annual Seed Exchange, 2023


2023 SIGNA seed exchange is officially canceled. The seed exchange is a huge (all volunteer) endeavor and it just didn’t happen on time this year. Rather than going for a late sale we are focusing on the next one. The seeds donated last year will be combined with seeds donated this year to make one larger sale. (It’s good that iris seeds are viable for years.) We promise to make every effort to open that sale in the first week of 2025.

One reason we aren’t making the effort to hold a late sale is that 2023 saw fewer donations from fewer donors than usual. We need your help to get back on track. Plan now to donate for this fall. Wild collected seeds are great. Hand pollinated species and crosses are very desirable. We also accept open pollinated seed from species, all classes of irises and other members of the iris family. See the website or the spring issue of SIGNA for details or contact Sean at signaseedex@gmail.com.

Don’t forget that donors get priority when orders are filled, and this year, we will credit donors for their shipping cost if they place an order. You can help us meet the projected sale date by getting your donation to the seed exchange chair before the end of October.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

© 2024, SIGNA. For general inquiries about SIGNA please contact Rodney Barton. Please report technical problems to dkramb@gmail.com.
* Some important new updates were added January 2024 indicated by the asterisk in the header. Please check them out!